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Homeopathy - Existing Clients/Family

Appointment for: Adults | Children

About this service

Homeopathy is a form of ultra low dose medicine without side effects. It triggers the body’s innate healing. In homeopathy, the ultra-diluted material comes from either a mineral, plant or animal source. Note: no animals are harmed to make a homeopathic remedy. By taking homeopathy, you are giving your body information to kick start your body’s healing process. There are no side effects, so it is safe during pregnancy, in babies all the way through to later life. __ A homeopathic session involves finding out about your personality, your likes, dislikes, your ailments, your triggers and your history. After a full in depth session, remedies are prescribed that will match your individual constitutional. Let me describe a little more about this form of medicine that encompasses the whole person when looking at illnesses or imbalances. Let’s use migraines as an ailment. Now a migraine may be due to: - hormonal imbalances, - a magnesium deficiency - excess heavy metal such as aluminium - high blood pressure - suppressed anger - lack of sleep - low serotonin levels - too much inflammation - side effects of a medication - constipation So if you experience migraines due to a lack in serotonin, taking a magnesium supplement will not help OR it may help for the short term with the migraines returning. Taking magnesium in isolation will also impact other minerals hence creating further imbalances in the body. So most medications will generally address a few of the above but NO medication will address more than one cause. But the cause is not known unless a full in depth health history is taken. That's where Homeopathic remedies come in! The beauty with homeopathy is, that it addresses the imbalance. For example, if the migraine is due to a hormonal imbalance, the homeopathic prescription will bring balance to the hormonal system. If the migraine is due to a lack of serotonin, the homeopathic prescription will address the low serotonin. If the migraine is due to a lack of magnesium the homeopathic prescription will address this. In essence homeopathy addresses the root of the cause of the migraine. So it may be that I see 50 clients with migraines, all 50 clients may receive a different homeopathic prescription. Again the magic is in biochemical individuality. By addressing the root cause with homeopathy, your overall wellbeing is boosted too, such as your immune system, detoxification pathways, liver health etc.

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Adrenal Stress Test Follow Up
DNA Testing Follow Up
Sex Hormone Test (DUTCH) Follow Up
Fatty Acid Profile Test Follow Up
Gut Test Follow Up

Booking a nutrition appointment? Add a functional test

NutrEval Test
Organic Acids Test (OAT)
HTMA Follow Up
Blood Test Follow Up
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